Utmost Useful Skincare Tips For Heated Summers!

Summers are harsh on us every year. Though, we love and wait excitedly for summers but are we ready for it? We have to be on our game to face heatful summers starting with your skin because girl… it takes time. You must have wondered seeing the skin of these coffee sisters- Ellie Jean Coffey, Ruby Lee Coffey, and Bonnie Lou Coffey. How they keep their skin so hydrated and looking good all the time even when they are professional surfers. All the time on the beach under the heatful umbrella and still looking fresh all the time. Well, no worries team. We got you covered!

Here Are Tips:

Let’s begin with these skincare tips that will carry you along this summer.

Exfoliation is a must!

This is the step that should not be missed at any cost. A lot of dust particles get on your skin every minute of your life and it’s recommended to at least scrub your face body once a week because no matter how much makeup or lotions you are putting on your skin, it has to be clean from the base first. Exfoliating will remove all the dust particles from the upper layers of your skin. Just grab any scrub with your choice of flavour, wet your skin then apply scrub wait for 2 – 3 minutes, and start scrubbing it with wet fingers. It will allow you to use other products properly and you will have smooth and shiny skin in no time.

Do not forget the sunscreen

A lot of people avoid this step while it’s the one that can be protecting your skin out there from all the heart attacks. Sunscreen that comes with UVB and UVA with SPF 30 or SPF 70 are highly recommended. Always apply sunscreen before going out, some people have also said that it is ok to use sunscreen even when you are in your home it protects you from kitchen heat as well. If you are wearing makeup or not sunscreen is a must. 

Wear minimal makeup

Less makeup during summers is the wise option to go with. It goes best with intolerant sun’s heat otherwise your skin could look like melting butter. If you are going for foundation apply powder with SPF qualities to lock your skin. Eye makeup looks are mostly avoided in summers; eyelashes are mostly seen wearing instead of the whole makeup. Also do not forget to protect your lips with protective lip balm.


Do not forget to maintain your body from the inside as well. Drink well in the summer season to stay hydrated and your skin will not look dry or dull. Another option is to make detox water, you just lemon, cucumber and a few leaves of mint in water leave it for a few hours then drain or not your choice, it is ready to hydrate your body. Detox water is also in kind of trend, buy any cute water bottle and take it along with everywhere. Get your VSCO vibe girl.

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